
Workshops and events accelerating the hydrogen sector.

Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Electrolyser Tour, Tonsley

Site Tour
August 4, 2023 10:00 am - 11:00 am

As part of the Winter warmer series event, over 30 attendees joined the SA-H2H™ team as we learnt from one of the leaders, AGIG, in the renewable energy sector how they set up and successfully operate an Australian first project that produces renewable hydrogen gas to nearby homes and businesses.

Winter Warmer Networking Drinks

Industry Networking
August 3, 2023 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

An enjoyable night of networking with fellow SA-H2H™ members and industry colleagues at The Cumby.

Attendees were treated to H2 Gin tastings courtesy of Brett Durand and Barossa Gin School.

We were excited to have the wonderful Horizon Educational team come along too, as well as the Danish Ambassador, Pernille Dahler Kardel

Shark Tank Investment Forum, Rodney Fox Museum

Industry Networking
August 3, 2023 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Investment with a bite.

A unique event sponsored by the Department for Trade and Investment providing members with a chance to showcase their pitches before various investment bodies, Shark Tank style!

Huge thanks also goes to our guest speaker, the Honourable Nick Champion MP, Minister for Trade and Investment for sharing his invaluable insights.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring future events?

Secure your strategic position in South Australia’s energy future by sponsoring one of our hydrogen energy events.

Join the ‘brains trust’ for hydrogen intelligence in South Australia.